Saturday, September 12, 2009

Next Week, Dear Reader

I know that thousands of readers have noticed the lack of any activity on the blog. To explain, I have been heavily involved in preparing for the 50th Reunion of the Maysville High School Graduating Class of 1959. About fifty to sixty people gathered here last night for fun and frolic (to the extent any of us have any frolic left) and it was a good time. Today, the class is meeting at the Riverpark for a lunch gathering, then naps, then Caproni's for the final convocation. While I'm not exactly feeling my best this morning, I can tell you very honestly that I behaved very much better this time than I did five years ago at these affairs. Well, enough excuses! I shall be back with a vengeance after the first of the week. Tootle-oooo, as my grandmother used to say.

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